Rosendael Park and Castle
Rosendael Park and Castle
Rosendael Castle (Park en Kasteel Rosendael), the former residence of the Dukes of Guelders, is d...
Doorwerth Castle
Doorwerth Castle
An imposing castle on an attractive estate!
Kasteel Doornenburg
Kasteel Doornenburg
Mediaeval castle in Overbetuwe where the Rhine and Waal meet. Imposing stronghold, part of which...
Zypendaal House
Zypendaal House
Zypendaal House (Huis Zypendaal) is an old-style country house dating from 1762. The ground floor...
The Big or Eusebius Church
The Big or Eusebius Church
The Big or Eusebius Church in Arnhem has dominated the skyline of the city of Arnhem for more tha...
Airborne Museum at Hartenstein
Airborne Museum at Hartenstein
Come and experience the Battle for Arnhem in this attractive and contemporary museum. In the Airb...
The Poles near Driel
The Poles near Driel
On September 21st, Polish troops landed near Driel. Only a small part of the troops managed to re...
Landgoed Bronbeek
Landgoed Bronbeek
At Bronbeek you can learn about the Netherlands’ colonial past in the Dutch East Indies. For a re...
De Weverstraat
De Weverstraat
As one of the boudaries of the perimeter, the damage to the Weverstraat was considerable. German...
The Household Cavalry came to reinforce the Polish troops with eight armored cars
The Household Cavalry came to reinforce the Polish troops with eight armored cars
Early in the morning on Friday 22 September 1944, units of the Household Cavalry reached the Poli...
De Tafelberg
De Tafelberg
Hotel De Tafelberg was one of the two main medical points in the perimeter. Operations were carri...
Stationsweg 8
Stationsweg 8
The house at Stationsweg 8 was taken by British troops and served as part of the British defense...
Operation Berlin
Operation Berlin
When the situation for the troops in Oosterbeek proved to be untenable, it was decided to
De Westerbouwing
De Westerbouwing
The high ground of the
Westerbouwing was heavily attacked by German troops. The British t
roops w...
The Western Perimeter
The Western Perimeter
During the Battle of Arnhem, the 1st Border Regiment was one of the few regiments that could fulf...
The Old Church
The Old Church
The Old Church was one of the southernmost points of the perimeter. The area around the church wa...
Fighting around the Dorpstraat on the southern side of Driel
Fighting around the Dorpstraat on the southern side of Driel
At the T-junction of Dorpstraat-Honingveldsestraat, the Polish troops had taken up positions. Whe...
The emergency hospital in the school - Operating dressed in flak jackets
The emergency hospital in the school - Operating dressed in flak jackets
The medical company of the Polish paratrooper brigade chose the Roman Catholic primary school as...
Landing sites – then fields and orchards
Landing sites – then fields and orchards
On September 21st 1944, around 17:55, this was the landing area of the Polish troops. Around 1000...
Schoonoord en Vreewijk
Schoonoord en Vreewijk
Hotels Schoonoord and Vreewijk were intended as a temporary medical point in Oosterbeek, but beca...
Stranded aid: supplies do not reach the British troops in Oosterbeek.
Stranded aid: supplies do not reach the British troops in Oosterbeek.
In the evening of Friday September 22nd 1944, parts of the allied ground army – coming from the s...
Paul Krugerstraat 70
Paul Krugerstraat 70
The house on the Paul Krugerstraat, number 70, served as a medical post of the 7th King’s Own Sco...
The Roman Catholic parish house set up as a medical post
The Roman Catholic parish house set up as a medical post
At the beginning of the Battle of Arnhem, under the leadership of the local female doctor, Dr. A....
The Nevel: Poles take up positions around Driel
The Nevel: Poles take up positions around Driel
Because the Polish troops could not cross the Rhine on the first night, they took up positions ar...