De Spelerij Uitvinderij

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Veldweg 5
6952 GX Dieren
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De Spelerij – Uitvinderij is the most unique and wonderful play and discover area in the Netherlands! A clearing in the woods is home to imaginative play equipment designed by a visual artist and made from recycled materials. They contain unique mechanisms you can activate yourself, for example the ball machine, which you can activate by cycling, tearing and turning. In De Uitvinderij’s workshop you can work with the fretsaw, polystyrene foam and paint machines, among other things. Children over the age of ten are allowed to give metalworking and spot welding a try at the metal department.

It's that busy

Average crowd on: Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays
06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 24:00
Note: this location has a maximum number of visitors and reservations are required. As a result, it is always quiet to pleasantly busy. Check the website of the location for more information.
For more information: Drukteradar

Opening times

  • The months of April, May and June open Mon-Fri for groups only. Weekends and school holidays open from 10am to 6pm.


  • Ticket prices
    1. 4 to 100 years for de Spelerij en Uitvinderij: € 18.00*
    2. 4 to 100 years only outdoor: € 13,00
    3. 0 to 4 years: free
    4. Parking: free

    The park is suitable for children up to 4 years old. If the oldest child is 4 years old, it is recommended to wait a little longer.


Accessibility of this location

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